Jarosław Jaśnikowski – Inkography – Arrival of the Papal Emissary


When ordering framed inkography there is a risk of glass breakage and damage during shipment. This is why we recommend buying the product without the frame.

Without binding: 61 x 48 cm

SKU: AMH_JJA-032 Category: Tag:


Inkography: this is the high quality limited print on a special paper of the artist’s original work. It is published in a small edition and each copy has its own unique numer and signature of the author. Each of these work is accompanied by an author’s certificate. Inkographs are much cheapper than the original image, but they retain high quality and authenticity.

This inkography was issued in the number of copies numbered from 1/50 to 50/50.

This giclee was issued in the number of copies numbered from 1/10 to 10/10.